
Use our 100% instant decision Agent Tools eApplication to write business. Your client can receive the policy immediately with eDelivery, and you can get paid faster!
- Designed for touch screen devices
- Available 24/7
- Quick underwriting decision displayed on screen in a matter of minutes
- Rx & MIB results returned quickly
- Policy number provided instantly
- No phone call
- No pending business
- No amendments
- No paperwork
- Policy mailed next business day
Americo Offers Two Term Product Options
Americo offers your clients two simplified issue term product options – Term 125 and Term 100. With 15-, 20-, 25-, and 30-year term periods, and optional benefit riders, you have maximum flexibility to meet your client's needs and budget.
- Available at higher issue ages
- Accidental Death Benefit Rider with Common Carrier Provision automatically included with Term 125
- Instant decision eApplication with text and email signature option utilizing a 6-digit verification code
- Living benefits (critical, chronic, and terminal illness) included at no additional cost
- All sales count toward qualifications for a UFirst Cash Bonus.
Submit the form below to learn more and get your agent contract
