1-800-544-8250 ext. 20902


Setting the Course for Retiree Medical Security
Always Guaranteed Issue
age 65 and over!
Any Size Group
Group retiree rates are increasing at an alarming rate. Municipalities and Companies of all sizes are dramatically reducing costs by placing Medicare eligible members on a comprehensive group plan that can match or exceed existing benefits, while reducing costs.
Seniors Choice is designed for any size group and will go down to one life. When using Seniors Choice for Retirees it can be used for TEFRA or Non-TEFRA groups.

Every employer should be asked the following question:
- Do you offer any kind of Medical Insurance program for your retirees age 65 or over?
Most of the time the answer will be no! Especially with groups that have less than 100 Employees.
When working with one of these employers, ask them to take a look at Seniors Choice Group Retiree Medical Plan. These plans allow an employer to provide an additional benefit to their employees at no cost to them.
- There is no premium contribution required by the employer
- No minimum enrollment required
- It can be completely voluntary (retiree paid)
- Bill can be sent directly to the retiree
- By signing the Employer Trust Agreement they are providing an additional employee benefit.
Submit this short form to learn more about Seniors Choice